Foundation's Patron


Eryk Jan Grzeszczak


Co-founder and first CEO of ERBUD company. Everybody, who knew him, remember him as a man of perseverance, vitality, hard work and consistency.

In addition to his diligence and energy, everyone highlights his commitment and inquisitiveness and, most importantly, his openness to young people and his almost fatherly approach to explaining the world and work to them. "Senior," as the company's founder was nicknamed, saw talents in people and helped to develop them. He taught young people to work, to be responsible, to be committed, to be as good as their word and to meet deadlines. He knew every single employee and never forgot to ask them about their children or families.

To date, many of his alumni have worked in our companies. Many of them are now highly esteemed and successful managers in our company. Eryk Jan Grzeszczak was a flesh and blood builder. Not only has he built many great buildings, he has also helped build many great careers and fashioned many private and family lives. We decided to continue his work and established the ERBUD "Common Challenges" Foundation named after Eryk Jan Grzeszczak. In its first original programme, the foundation drew on the mentoring skills of its patron. We do believe that he would appreciate our initiative and support us in our day-to-day efforts.